Thomas (Tom) Summers joined the New Freedom Lions Club in 1955. He was honored as a Lifetime Member, serving 68 years! He was well-known as the lead volunteer and BINGO caller for over 60 years at the club's annual fundraising carnival. Everyone in town remembers his infamous "o-skixty skix." He was active with the Boy Scouts of America for over 50 years, and served as the Scoutmaster of Troop 24. He was a founding member of the Bon Air Country Club and served on the committee that raised the money to build the club's swimming pool. He helped organize the local Jaycees. He served as president of the Borough Council. He was also honored as the grand Marshall of several New Freedom Parades. On November 2, 2023, at 94, he died after a long and happy life as a devoted husband, father, grandfather, uncle, Veteran, and community servant leader. His life is a shining example of the fulfillment of the Lions' motto "WE SERVE." He will be missed.
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